Chocolate Chip Cookies have never understood what's so great about New York New York until they tried it one day. For a fast food chain, NYNY certainly exceeded their expectations, much to their surprise!
Besides having stylish and eye-catching décor in bright attractive colours, NYNY’s service is impeccable (at the City Link branch, at least). I didn’t fancy a small normal table for 2 (too much like speed-dating style) and the staff were quick in arranging the next sofa set for us. Looking at the pretty menu, we were at a loss, no thanks to the wide variety of food available, but NYNY’s page of top 8 dishes certainly helped us to make up our minds.

Our dish for sharing arrived in a huge plate. We thought that the reason behind it was that if the food couldn’t make it, at least its packaging makes a statement. The 5th Avenue Appetizer Platter consists of fries, fried calamari rings, Buffalo wings and deep fried battered mushrooms, along with 3 types of sauces, one of which tasted like peanut butter sauce! The Buffalo wings were not what we had expected (they tasted like McWings) but the mushrooms scored with us – succulent, juicy and tasty.

My ‘Give Me Liberty’ Chicken Cheese Burger (without onions) was nothing really amazing, other than its size and a very flavourful chicken patty. Notably and thankfully, the buns were not dripping with oil, but in fact, very nicely toasted.

Chocolate Chips’ Crispy Fish Burger nearly caused him to fall off the sofa. It was twice the size of its picture in the menu! There were not one but two pieces of fish so big that they were jutting out of the buns.
Putting these together, we realized we had over-ordered. We gave up on the buns and concentrated on the meat and we couldn’t finish most of the fries. However, we insisted on sharing a root beer float, having seen the staff churn out many such orders for the diners, perhaps now that A&W is extinct in Singapore. Not surprising, the float came in a huge tall mug that may make you think the drink is worth the price, but think about it, root beer float can be easily created at home.
NYNY is perfect for those who want value-for-money quick bites as their serving size would certainly blow you away. Just an advice: do not be too ambitious when placing your order.
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